Our research depends on the generous support of parents who allow their children to participate in our studies. Thank you so much to all of the families that have contributed to our research so far!

If you would like to add your child to our database of participants, click here or call (416) 934-4559!

What is the Language and Learning Lab?
We are a research lab at The Institute of Child Study at the University of Toronto that is interested in the way that young children learn about the world around them, especially the way that they learn from people and pictures. We are also part of the Applied Psychology and Human Development Department at OISE.

How long does a study last? How many times do we need to come in?
A typical study lasts for about 30 minutes and requires only one visit to our lab.

What will my child do during the study?
Your child will hear a short story or play a short game with an experimenter. After the game or story, the experimenter will ask your child some questions to gauge what he or she remembers from the experience.

When are appointments scheduled?
We are happy to work around your schedule. Studies are typically scheduled Monday through Friday between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm. Weekends and evenings are often available by request.

Where are you located?
The Language and Learning Center is located at 252 Bloor St. W, above St. George TTC station.

Can I use public transportation to get there?
Yes! There is an entrance into our building (OISE) from the St. George subway station.

Can I drive there? Is parking available?
Yes! Click here for a map. Street parking is available behind the building along St. Arthur Ave. There is also a lot under our building and a Green P lot across Bedford Rd.

Will I be with my child during the study?
Of course! Parents are more than welcome to stay with their children for the duration of the study. However, we ask that you follow the instructions of the experimenter and refrain from interacting with your child so that you do not influence their responses.

I have more than one child. Can I bring all of my children with me if only one is participating?
Absolutely! A trained research assistant will be available to keep the rest of your children company during the study.

Does my child receive anything for participating?
Definitely! Your child will receive a small gift, like a toy or stickers.

Will I receive the results of my child’s performance?
In general, we are interested in the behaviours of large groups of children of a particular age, so we do not analyze the responses of individual children that participate in our studies. If you are interested in the results of our research, we will email you a newsletter with an update on the findings of the particular study you’ve participated, as well as the progress of research going on in our lab.

I received a mailing or phone call from your lab. How did you get our information?
We recruit families from a number of sources, including local street markets and festivals, large shows like the Baby Show, as well as schools, libraries and daycares. But our best resource is you! If you know other parents that might be interested in participating in our research, please tell them about us!